At the start of the workshop we discussed ‘our day’ and ‘general feelings/mood’ and the factors which affected these, from work to people and place. This made me consider where I spend my time and what I do with my day. One thing this made me think about was getting get in some real early pre-work mornings over the next week from the 22nd as the surf report looks mighty fine.
We’d organised Marc’s first surf at sunrise in Longsands, Tynemouth, an early rise and a drive down an empty coast road racing to reach the early sun as it’s climbs over the horizon the temperature sat uncomfortably at zero degrees on the frost covered vans thermometer, Marc was waiting outside his house eager to try out his new wetty as we pulled up on Longsands Bank at 7.30am. The waves were sizeable (maybe a little large for a debut). As we walked to the beach across a slippy pavement, fingers freezing then straight into the water (which was warmer than the outside temperature). The current was strong and a tad hard to get through some powerful waves to the ‘good stuff’ further out but well worth the push.
One thing summed up surfing to me today as I had an eye out for my mate Marc who borrowed my sons bright yellow foam board, as I watched him tackling anything from turbulent white froth to vertical walls of surf, But the bit where he bravely/naively (delete as applicable) took a huge wave and got catapulted about three metres then disappeared made me slightly nervous to say the least, but within seconds he jack-in-a-boxed out of the water wearing a massive smile which was a relief... the waves were super crisp today and the sunrise developed into a sight never to be forgot, comparable to an Ibizan chill out LP cover, as the sun rose the whole sky turned a faint pink, and the sea started to fill with eager swell addicts, didn’t catch as much as I’d liked today getting mangled in some brutal breaks twisting my elbow but it’s noticeable how fun masks pain very effectively indeed.
One point that stuck out was trudging back into the green waves when eight or so swimmer in just trunks and bathing costumes shrieked and laughed as they entered the sea, which made me laugh how hardcore these folk are, the endorphins must be incredible when getting back out and getting
We called time after about an hour (it anyone’s guess how long as nobody had a watch on) as my physical energy was comparable to Smithers from the Simpsons, the place was starting to fill up with morning dog walkers. As we discussed what had just happened before preparing to get out of those lush warm wetsuits, and bearing the temperature drop to get changed. Popped over to Coast for the obligatory mocha and a bacon sandwich drenched in HP before dropping off a pleased looking Marc and heading home for 10am feeling I had achieved more in a morning than I ever had before, leaving a lush long day for dog walks, coffee and chinwags.
Did anyone mention anxiety?
Did anyone mention anxiety?